Minutes of the September 13, 2018 Citizens’ Oversight Committee Meeting

September 13, 2018
Approved 03/28/19

4:30 pm
District Office Conference Room

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 4:35 pm.

II. Establishment of Quorum

A quorum was established.  In attendance: Chair Grier Graff, Vice Chair Julie Caskey, members Adam Christiansen (by phone), Kim Dao, Andy Hempeck, Jonathan Levine, Melissa Wilk; PUSD Board members Sarah Pearson and Amal Smith; and PUSD staff Pete Palmer, Ruth Alahydoian, and Julie Moll.  (Kyung-Hee Howard was absent.)

III. Public Comment


IV. Approval of June 28, 2018 Minutes

Moved: Julie Caskey.  Seconded: Jonathan Levine.  Vote: Approved.

V. Report on Measure H1 Program and Projects

Pete Palmer, Measure H1 Program Manager, reported on H1-funded work completed over the summer of 2018:

  • The District installed ventilation and climate control equipment in five classrooms at each the elementary schools, to prevent classroom overheating and improve the learning environment.  These 15 classrooms were selected based on data concerning classroom temperatures over the last school year. This work included infrastructure that will make it cost-efficient to install these systems in the remaining classrooms in the future.
  • The District converted two small offices near the PHS Library into one computer classroom with 34 workstations, to help meet rising demand for computer classes without waiting until the STEAM building is completed.  This room is a prototype for the computer labs in the new STEAM building, and will help the District refine plans for furniture and finishes in the new labs.
  • This lab includes: a new electrical subpanel that eliminate the need for individual workstation surge protectors; ground concrete flooring; acoustical wall panels and ceiling; laser projectors; white boards; new flexible furniture with built-in power and data; and high/low work stations.  The District also installed a new climate control system in this lab and infrastructure to expand the system to the remainder of the Library building in the future (ultimately replacing steam radiators and an antiquated boiler).
  • The District made a range of safety and security improvements to PMS, including installation of new doors, hardware, and electronic locks.
  • To prepare for construction of the new STEAM and theater buildings, the District surveyed underground utilities at the high school campus (including sanitary sewer, storm sewer, domestic water, fire sprinkler water, irrigation water, and natural gas lines).  This survey will enable the District to preserve and reuse these utilities and avoid spending time and money to re-install this infrastructure.

Mr. Palmer also reported on some of the deferred maintenance and other non-H1-funded facilities work completed over the summer of 2018.  The District:

  • Replaced old metal halide lights at Witter Field with brighter and more energy efficient LED lights.  This project is expected to reduce the District ‘s utility bills going forward.
  • Removed lockers to create more space for team meetings in the locker rooms.
  • Replaced the Wildwood water lateral, which was leaking under the playground.
  • Replaced 30-year-old carpet in the PMS library.
  • Removed and properly disposed of old, unlabeled chemicals from the chemistry lab.

Mr. Palmer reported that the District is on target with key milestones in the Measure H1 facilities bond program.  The District has completed the designs and construction documents for the new STEAM and theater buildings and submitted these to the State for review and approval.

Also, the District has submitted to the State plans to improve the drainage at Witter Field. The Program timeline and milestones include the following:

March Closure of Alan Harvey Theater (after the Spring play),
Interior Salvage and Abatement Work Begins
March Possible Closure of Witter Field (after the high school soccer season),
Drainage Work Begins
April (Spring Break) Demolition of Alan Harvey Theater Begins
June Construction of STEAM Building Begins
Fall Completion and Re-Opening of Witter Field
June Demolition of the 10s Building, Construction of New Theater Begins
August Completion and Opening of the STEAM Building
Fall Completion and Opening of the New Alan Harvey Theater

Mr. Palmer explained that precisely when the State will complete its review and issue permits for these projects is unknown.  Given the scope of these projects and current review times, it is reasonable to estimate issuance of the Witter permit by December 2018 and issuance of the STEAM and theater permits by March 2019.  The preliminary schedule is based on this estimate. The actual schedule will depend on this and other factors such as general and subcontractor availability, lead-times for procurement of materials, and unforeseen conditions concerning weather, high water tables, and soil conditions.

He explained that the project budgets are still being developed based on the completed construction drawings and bids from subcontractors.  The District and its contractor, Overaa Construction, plan to negotiate a “Guaranteed Maximum Price” (GMP) for the STEAM and theater projects by the end of 2018.

Closing Alan Harvey Theater during the Spring of 2019, rather than waiting until the end of the school year, will help keep the STEAM project on schedule for completion before the 2020-21 school year.   Initially, fixtures, lighting systems, and other features that can be reused in the new theater will be “salvaged” and removed. Next, a specialized contractor will abate any hazardous materials inside the theater (for example, removing old thermostats and light fixtures that contain mercury).  The District plans to demolish the theater over Spring break when there are no students or staff on campus. If demolition cannot be completed during that week, the District will develop a schedule for the remaining demolition, to minimize the campus impact to the greatest extent possible.

The District is planning to start work at Witter Field in March 2019, provided that there are sufficient H1 funds available for this purpose.  Field closure would impact PE classes, lacrosse, track, and summer football. The District has tentative agreements to relocate most of the impacted programs, and has reserved the Paramount Theater for the 2019 PHS graduation.

VI. Report on Measure H1 Budget

Ruth Alahydoian, Chief Financial Officer, reported on bond income and expenditures for the last fiscal year, and sought direction from the Committee on the format and content of reports to present each quarter.







Committee members asked that future reports include the total amount expended per project and the delta relative to the budgeted amount for that project.   Committee members also asked for a quarterly report of the H1 fund balance.

Committee members Andy Hempeck and Melissa Wilk agreed to serve on the subcommittee to review invoices and receipts after completion of the 2017-18 audit.

VII. Future Agenda Items


VIII. Tour:  New Computer Room, New Climate Control Equipment in PHS Library Building

This tour was postponed until the December 13, 2018 meeting.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 5:55 pm.

The next CBOC meeting will be on December 13, 2018 at 4:30 in the District Office Conference Room.

The remaining meetings this school year will be held on March 7, 2019 and June 27, 2019.