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Piedmont Unified School District | 760 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611
Minutes of the September 16, 2021 Meeting of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at4:34 pm when a quorum was established.
II. Establishment of QuorumÂ
In attendance: Chair Grier Graff; members Julie Caskey, Kim Dao,Kyung-Hee Howard, Jonathan Levine, Rick Raushenbush;PUSD Board member Amal Smith;PUSD staff Pete Palmer, Ruth Alahydoian, Michael Brady, and Julie Moll. Absent: Cory Smegal, Megan Pillsbury, Andy Hempeck, and Melissa Wilk.
III.Public Comment
IV. Approval of March 18, 2021 Minutes
There was no public comment.
Moved: Jonathan Levine Seconded: Julie Caskey Vote: Approved
V. Construction Update Â
Director of Facilities Pete Palmer narrated a slideshow of Summer 2021 projects, including:
Performing Arts Center
Application of exterior stucco and installation of windows and exterior doors are all on schedule.
Inside, all mechanical, electrical and plumbing work as well as the tel-data and fire sprinkler rough-in are nearly completed. Interior metal door frames have been installed. Wall insulation and drywall work is underway. Â
The acoustic ceiling panels and supports have been installed and are being painted.
The elevator shaft has been completed and elevator installation is underway. Â
Rooftop solar stanchions and HVAC mechanical units have been installed. Â
Clay roof tile installation was completed on the mansard roof.
The STEAM Building
Electrical infrastructure for the engineering lab has been completed.  Â
Magnolia Campus Site Work
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs. Floor marking is also used to indicate walkways since it improves safety, according to floor-markings.co.uk. Â Â
The District completed underground utilities work that supports the entire Magnolia Campus. Â
The District installed the rebar cage, set galvanized columns, and poured footings and base for the new entryway trellis. Â
The District poured part of the permanent campus pathway, and a new Magnolia Avenue sidewalk, curb gutter, and asphalt patch.
The District installed welded wire mesh panels to enclose the engineering and art patios and switch gear. Â
The District refinished the Binks gym and dance studio floors.
The District replaced the rubberized play surfaces.
Wildwood Elementary School
The District replaced the rubberized play surfaces.
Application of exterior stucco and installation of windows and exterior doors are all on schedule.
Inside, all mechanical, electrical and plumbing work as well as the tel-data and fire sprinkler rough-in are nearly completed. Interior metal door frames have been installed. Wall insulation and drywall work is underway.
Inside, all mechanical, electrical and plumbing work as well as the tel-data and fire sprinkler rough-in are nearly completed. Interior metal door frames have been installed. Wall insulation and drywall work is underway.
Inside, all mechanical, electrical and plumbing work as well as the tel-data and fire sprinkler rough-in are nearly completed. Interior metal door frames have been installed. Wall insulation and drywall work is underway.
Inside, all mechanical, electrical and plumbing work as well as the tel-data and fire sprinkler rough-in are nearly completed. Interior metal door frames have been installed. Wall insulation and drywall work is underway.
The acoustic ceiling panels and supports have been installed and are being painted.
The acoustic ceiling panels and supports have been installed and are being painted.
The acoustic ceiling panels and supports have been installed and are being painted.
The elevator shaft has been completed and elevator installation is underway.
Rooftop solar stanchions and HVAC mechanical units have been installed.
Rooftop solar stanchions and HVAC mechanical units have been installed.
Rooftop solar stanchions and HVAC mechanical units have been installed.
Clay roof tile installation was completed on the mansard roof.
Electrical infrastructure for the engineering lab has been completed.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District demolished pathways connecting the high school buildings, the temporary asphalt in the breezeway, and the stairs leading to the 20s building and replaced these with permanent concrete walkways and stairs.
The District completed underground utilities work that supports the entire Magnolia Campus.
The District completed underground utilities work that supports the entire Magnolia Campus.
The District completed underground utilities work that supports the entire Magnolia Campus.
The District completed underground utilities work that supports the entire Magnolia Campus.
The District completed underground utilities work that supports the entire Magnolia Campus.
The District completed underground utilities work that supports the entire Magnolia Campus.
The District completed underground utilities work that supports the entire Magnolia Campus.
The District installed the rebar cage, set galvanized columns, and poured footings and base for the new entryway trellis.
The District installed the rebar cage, set galvanized columns, and poured footings and base for the new entryway trellis.
The District installed the rebar cage, set galvanized columns, and poured footings and base for the new entryway trellis.
The District poured part of the permanent campus pathway, and a new Magnolia Avenue sidewalk, curb gutter, and asphalt patch.
The District installed welded wire mesh panels to enclose the engineering and art patios and switch gear.
The District installed welded wire mesh panels to enclose the engineering and art patios and switch gear.
The District refinished the Binks gym and dance studio floors.
The District refinished the Binks gym and dance studio floors.
The District refinished the Binks gym and dance studio floors.
The District refinished the Binks gym and dance studio floors.
The District replaced the rubberized play surfaces.
The District replaced the rubberized play surfaces.
The District replaced the rubberized play surfaces.
The District replaced the rubberized play surfaces.
The District replaced the rubberized play surfaces.
The District replaced the rubberized play surfaces.
The District replaced the rubberized play surfaces.
The District replaced the rubberized play surfaces.
The District replaced the rubberized play surfaces.
VI. Program Budget Update Â
Chief Financial Officer Ruth Alahydoian presented a Bond Income, Expenditure, and Fund Balance Report:
VII. Future Agenda Items & Tours
The December meeting may include a tour of the Performing Arts Center. Â
VIII.Confirmation of Meeting Dates Â
December 2, 2021
March 17, 2022
June 16, 2022
At this point, all meetings will be on Thursdays at 4:30 and will be conducted by Zoom. Â
IX. Adjournment
Moved: Rick Raushenbush Seconded: Kyung Hee Howard Vote: Approved